Ercolano (12)
Photo: Ercolano

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40° 48′ 22″ N, 14° 20′ 57″ E


Ercolano (Herculaneum) is an ancient Roman town, located in the province of Naples which has been destroyed, along with Pompeii, in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius beginning on August 24, AD 79.

Main sights

The main entrance to the site is in the north-east corner. Following houses are in an excellent state of preservation:

Casa dei Cervi, Grande Taberna, Casa dell’Atrio Corinzio, Bottega ad Cucumas, Casa del Salone Nero, Sede degli Augustali, Terme Maschili, Terme Femminili, Casa del Bel Cortile, Casa di Nettuno e Anfitrite, Casa Sannitica, Casa dell’Erma di Bronzo, Casa a Graticcio, Casa del Tramezzo di Legno, Bottega del Lanarius


Map: Ercolano
Map: Ercolano

★ Open the Google Maps link in a new window at the location: Herculaneum

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