The Montagne des Singes (Monkey Mountain) is located south-west of the city of Kourou, 15 km towards the Dégrad Saramaca. It rises to 161 m and some tributaries of the River Kourou left bank have their source there.
Among the photos:
Amblypygi, Ancylometes (Ctenidae), Ancylometes bogotensis, Ancylometes juvenile, Ancylometes rufus, Bufo margaritifer (Toad leaf), Ctenidae, Ctenus (Ctenidae), Cupiennius (Ctenidae), Cupiennius bimaculatus, Forest cricket, Harmonicon audaee (Dipluridae), Hyla boans, Otophryne piburny, Pandercetes (Sparasidae), Phasme, Phonetria, Reduviidae (Homopopter bug), Theaphosa blondi (Mygale), Tityus cambridgei (Buthiidae)